Written by Zach Lesage on 3/29/2023 at category Deck Lists
New Lugia VSTAR: Single Strike Edition
What’s up PTCGO Store readers? Where are you right now? Well, you are in our newly discovered Paldea Region! Welcome to this new world where E-block on cards are Standard legal, and we have access to Scarlet and Violet! Some things look eerily similar, hi Nest Ball, and other things look brand new, hi Gardevoir ex. In our Sword and Shield to Crown Zenith Standard format, Lugia VSTAR / Archeops [Silver Tempest] was arguably the most powerful deck in that format. Well, Lugia VSTAR didn’t rotate, Archeops didn’t rotate, and so didn’t a lot of other cards in that deck? Why would it not be the best deck in our new E-block on format? Well, I’ll explain that in this article! Expect to go through a whirlwind of learning, get access to a solid list for the new way to play Lugia VSTAR, and more! Need any of the cards to build Lugia VSTAR? I gotcha! Use code zlesage5 to save 5% on PTCGL codes here at the PTCGO store. Let’s start off by looking at the old Lugia VSTAR list!
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Written by Zach Lesage on 3/12/2023 at category Deck Lists
Top 5 Best Decks for 3月 2023
What’s happenin’ PTCGO Store readers? Are you ready to see some success on the Pokemon TCG Live March ladder? Well, after reading this article, you’ll have access to 5 of the best Pokemon TCG decks to choose from! If you’re new to Pokemon TCG and wanna invest in a solid deck, or if you’ve been playing for a while and wanna up your game, this article is definitely for you! I’ve gathered my personal top 5 decks from various major tournaments using data gathered by the Limitless website! In this article, I’ll share the strategy for each of the below decks, share the lists, and more! If you wanna build any of these decks on PTCG Live, you can pick up some Pokemon TCG Live codes right here at the PTCGO Store! Better yet, you can use code zlesage5 for a 5% discount and use those savings to pick up even more codes! With Scarlet and Violet releasing at the end of this month, all of these decks will be great choices to play before then. Let’s jump into this list!
Written by Zach Lesage on 3/4/2023 at category Deck Lists
Eternatus VMAX is Getting Better!
What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? Are you ready to enter into the darkness? Well, it seems like recent Knoxville Regionals Runner Up, Brandon Salazar, has with their Eternatus VMAX [Darkness Ablaze] / Galarian Weezing [Shining Fates] deck! Yeah, you read that right! Eternatus VMAX is seeing success in 2023! I know that I can’t be the only one surprised by this deck seeing success, but I think what is more surprising is that we didn’t think of this deck earlier. While this deck hasn’t seen too much success, since its early days as a top deck versus Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX [Cosmic Eclipse], it has silently been picking up some solid Regionals placements in our Sword and Shield to Silver Tempest / Crown Zenith format. My good friend Iyla Sutherland has been a believer in this deck since the beginning of the format, and she actually played the deck first! Iyla played Eternatus VMAX / Galarian Weezing to a top 32 finish at Orlando Regionals, and Brandon took the exact same 60-card list to a Runner Up finish at Knoxville Regionals. I could ramble on about the past history of this deck, but there is a lot of ground to cover on this awesome Pokemon TCG deck! In this article, I’ll share this successful PTCG list, the strategy, go in-depth on some key cards, and more! If you need any of the cards to build this deck, you are at the right place! Pick up some Darkness Ablaze, Shining Fates, or even Eternatus VMAX Promo Codes to input into PTCG Live! The PTCGO store offers instant email delivery, and you start playing this deck ASAP! As an added bonus, use code zlesage5 to save 5% on all of your Pokemon TCG Live codes.
Written by Zach Lesage on 2/17/2023 at category Deck Lists
The Best Arceus VSTAR Decks
What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? Have you played around with Arceus VSTAR [Brilliant Stars] yet? This deck has seen quite a bit of success since its release in Brilliant Stars, including winning the 2022 World Championships, and it is still doing great at events to this day! In this article, I’m gonna share the two best ways to play Arceus VSTAR, top decklists for both, and the strategies for these decks too! If you are planning on attending any events in the Sword and Shield to Crown Zenith format, including the PTCGO Store sponsored Late Night Events on the Play Limitless site, these decks will be great options. If you are missing any cards to play these decks, consider picking up some Pokemon TCG codes right here at PTCGOStore.com to finish them up! As an added bonus, use code zlesage5 to save 5% off your order of codes! Since both of these decks rely on a typical Arceus VSTAR strategy, I figured the best place to share that is right here. Arceus V [Brilliant Stars] and Arceus VSTAR are both powerful Pokemon that can accelerate Energy very quickly to any Pokemon V. We’ve seen this card paired with Corviknight VMAX [Battle Styles], Malamar VMAX [Rebel Clash], and countless other Pokemon V attackers. Most games are as simple as attaching a Double Turbo Energy [Brilliant Stars] and using Trinity Charge or getting another Energy attached and going for Trinity Nova. Once your Pokemon are powered up to your liking, it's really off to the races to see who can win the game first! With countless major wins under its belt, Arceus VSTAR decks are some of the most successful decks to have ever touched this game so be prepared to start winning a bit more! That being said, let’s jump into the decks!
Written by Pokemon TCG Trainer on 12/22/2022 at category Deck Lists
“Wild Freeze” - Articuno/Inteleon in Standard!
Good day, mate! With Silver Tempest now having some development within the format, we’re encountering some very interesting archetypes. Amongst all the regional championships that have been occurring lately, the results of Perth regionals are amongst the most interesting. Today, we’re going to dive into an Articuno/Inteleon deck that swept the Aussies and took 1st place!
Written by Pokemon TCG trainer on 12/4/2022 at category Deck Lists
“Summoning Star” – Lugia VSTAR!
Good morning Pokemon trainers! A new dawn is upon us with the release of the newest Pokemon TCG expansion: Silver Tempest. This set is brand new and has the following product description:
“Argent Adventure & Dazzling Discovery! An ominous rumble echoes in the distance, and Lugia VSTAR emerges from the ocean’s depths to answer its call! The uncharted territory lies waiting to be explored alongside Alolan Vulpix VSTAR, while Serperior, Unown, and Mawile join the expedition as Pokémon VSTAR, and a legendary battle awaits as Regieleki VMAX and Regidrago VSTAR awaken from slumber. Discover powerful partnerships in the Trainer Gallery, and set a course for adventure with the Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield-Silver Tempest expansion!”
This product description does nothing short of selling Lugia VSTAR as the top dog of this format – they mentioned it first for a reason! This card is definitely going to be the best deck in format going forward, and we’ll go over all of the reasons why throughout this article. It’s going to be one tough cookie to beat, so we’ll chat about some of the ways that people may counter this card as well. Without further ado, let’s swoop into Lugia VSTAR!
Written by Pokemon TCG trainer on 11/8/2022 at category Deck Lists
Silver Tempest Preview “Silver Surfer”
Good morning Pokemon Trainers! In light of this year's almost ending, we are also seeing another ending come to fruition: the end of the SSH-SHF format. We are now introducing the newest expansion: Silver Tempest, into the mix, and boy, is it ever a shakeup. We see the release of the standard’s newest boon, Lugia VSTAR, which will begin to dominate the moment it is released. This baron of a Pokemon has whopping unique features that we’re going to go over a little later in the article, but not many Pokemon can stand up to its strength. We also see some unique Pokemon come into play, like Regidrago VSTAR as well as Regieleki VMAX - both offering unique buffs to their own respective types. Lastly, we’ll be featuring a bit of a meme deck in Sunflora, but don’t be fooled: this single Prize Card Pokemon can pack a big punch very easily and stifle even the strongest of archetypes. You’ll also see many new Trainer cards seeing played in a lot of these Pokemon online decks, one of my personal favourites being Serena. Let’s hop into today’s article!
Written by Zach Lesage on 10/27/2022 at category Deck Lists
Powerful Pokemon Deck - Kyurem / Palkia
What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? It’s your boy Zach Lesage here, and I have yet another blog to share with you all in the Lost Origin format. Since the release of Astral Radiance, we all know that Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR (Astral Radiance) has been one of the absolute best Pokemon TCG decks, but Lost Origin brought on a new friend in the form of Kyurem VMAX (Lost Origin) to shake up the metagame. Kyurem adds a certain amount of raw power to the deck that allows it to OHKO almost any Pokemon with its sizable Max Frost attack. Pairing that with its Glaciated World Ability that works with either Rotom Phone (Champions Path) or Oranguru (Sword and Shield) allows you to tackle almost any deck. This deck has largely been one of the most played and most successful Pokemon online decks so far in our current Standard Pokemon format, and I want to share some of the best lists with you! If you are missing any of the cards, use code zlesage5 right here at the PTCGO store to save 5% on Pokemon TCG Online codes. They offer instant delivery right to your email and have a vast selection of PTCGO codes for everyone. Let’s get it!
Written by Zach Lesage on 10/19/2022 at category Deck Lists
The Regis are Super Powerful!
Wanna learn more about one of the lesser talked best Pokemon Online decks in our Standard Lost Origin format? Well, your boy Zach Lesage has your back! I recently took Regigigas (Astral Radiance) for a spin at Peoria Regionals, and I placed 23rd out of nearly 1100 participants! I could’ve easily played the same Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR (Astral Radiance) / Inteleon (Sword and Shield) list as my teammate Calvin Connor, but I had a different view on the metagame (and still do). With powerful Comfey (Lost Origin) / Radiant Charizard (Pokemon GO) decks crushing the Late Night series events, I knew that Regis would have a solid matchup against it. They essentially would have to take an early KO on any Regi with Cramorant (Lost Origin) with some help from either Articuno (Pokemon Go) or Galarian Zigzagoon (Sword and Shield). Giratina VSTAR (Lost Origin) is a similar matchup, but you can always use Regieleki (Evolving Skies) to snipe a Giratina V (Lost Origin) on the Bench and sweep up with Regidrago (Evolving Skies) for the remaining 240 damage. Kyurem VMAX (Lost Origin) decks have largely been a relatively easy matchup, but some do play Empoleon V (Battle Styles) which can stop any Regi deck from functioning. Most lists either play Boss’s Orders (Rebel Clash), Canceling Cologne (Astral Radiance), and/or Path to the Peak (Chilling Reign) to get around it. I could spend another paragraph or so sharing the good, but I’m sure you get my point; Regis is one of the best decks in the format. In this blog, I’m going to share my two most current lists for this deck, some strategies, and more! If you are missing any of the cards for Regis, use code zlesage5 right here at the Ptcgo store to save 5% on Pokemon TCG Online codes. They offer instant delivery right to your email and have a vast selection of PTCGO codes for everyone. Let’s get it!
Written by Zach Lesage on 10/12/2022 at category Deck Lists
Blissey V / Miltank Deck is on the Rise!
What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? Are you ready to read about one of the most successful Pokemon TCG decks in our Lost Origin standard format? Well, your boy Zach Lesage has your back! Blissey V (Chilling Reign) isn’t a new deck from Lost Origin, as a matter of fact, it was featured in the finalist deck at Milwaukee Regionals in 6月 2022, but here we are again. As the metagame has formed around a handful of powerful decks, like Kyurem VMAX (Lost Origin), Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR (Astral Radiance), and Comfey (Lost Origin) based Pokemon TCG decks, this deck has popped up in the form of an answer. When you pair Blissey V with Cape of Toughness (Darkness Ablaze), you get a Basic Pokemon with 300 HP that can scale its damage output easily. Pair that further with Cheren’s Care (Brilliant Stars) and Hyper Potion (Champions Path) for easy healing and a tanky deck. For everything else, Miltank (Astral Radiance) is the hopeful glue to keep this deck together. Are they an Arceus VSTAR (Brilliant Stars) deck that doesn’t have an answer? Miracle Body for the win! The same goes with Kyurem VMAX / Palkia VSTAR and any other deck that just doesn’t have an answer. Avery (Chilling Reign) offers similar protection against Palkia VSTAR decks by lowering their Bench size and damage output. Path to the Peak (Chilling Reign) can also stop some decks dead in their tracks, like Mew VMAX (Fusion Strike), and if it works, it works. This deck is relatively budget conscious, and it is incredibly powerful in our current Lost Origin metagame. If you need any of the cards to build this powerful Pokemon deck, pick up some Pokemon TCG Online codes right here at the PTCGO store. Use code zlesage5 to save 5% on your order of codes to make it cheaper. That being said, let’s jump into this blog.