Sun & Moon - PTCGL Codes
Sun & Moon - PTCGL Codes

Sun & Moon - PTCGL Codes

価格: $0.14
Part Number: sun-and-moon-ptcgl
Availability: 808 codes in stock
Feature: 6080
Feature: J7Z-BQZT-2W4-R2M
In PTCG Live, players are limited to redeeming up to 400 booster pack codes per set. Any additional codes beyond this limit will provide CRYSTALS instead of packs.


Sun & Moon base 

Sun & Moon is the first set available to acquire Pokemon Trading Card Game Live code cards in the Aloha region. This set features the first released Pokemon-GX, such as the powerful Decidueye-GX with its amazing Feather Arrow Ability. It also is the first set to showcase the legendary Pokemon, Solgaleo and Lunala, in both regular and powerful GX forms. Between competitive variety and collectibility, Sun & Moon is a great Pokemon TCGL set to have!

By buying Sun & Moon Pokemon TCGL codes, you can get some of the following PTCGL cards: Ultra Ball, Solgaleo-GX, Lunala-GX, Alolan Muk, Espeon-GX, Tauros-GX, Oranguru, Nest Ball, 

Sun & Moon Base in other languages:
  • European French: Soleil et Lune
  • German: Sonne & Mond
  • Italian: Sole e Luna
  • Brazilian Portuguese: Sol e Lua
  • Spanish: Sol y Luna
  • Korean: Sun Collection, Moon Collection
  • Russian: Solntse i Luna


38  - 在庫あり
6  - 在庫あり
8  - 在庫あり
0 在庫なし
