Miraidon ex League Battle Deck - TCG Live Code Cards
Miraidon ex League Battle Deck - TCG Live Code Cards

Miraidon ex League Battle Deck - TCG Live Code Cards

価格: $9.99
Part Number: Miraidon-ex-League-Battle-Deck
Availability: 0 codes Out of stock
Feature: 0398
Feature: DBV-GN2M-JL4-ZVD
In PTCG Live, players are limited to redeeming up to 4 codes. Any additional codes beyond this limit will provide TRAINERS POINTS.

Our suggestion is to select codes in a standard format. However, if you decide on a deck from the expanded format, you may only be given 1 card as opposed to a complete set of 60 cards.

Miraidon ex League Battle Deck

Miraidon ex League Battle Deck product code includes the following Pokemon Cards:
  • 2x Miraidon ex 081/198
  • 2x Regieleki 051/189
  • 2x Bidoof 111/159
  • 2x Regieleki V 057/195
  • 2x Regieleki VMAX 058/195
  • 2x Bibarel 121/172
  • 4x Energy Search 172/198
  • 2x Vitality Band 197/198
  • 1x Forest Seal Stone 156/195
  • 1x Leafy Camo Poncho 160/195
  • 2x Zeraora 056/195
  • 4x Arven 166/198Su
  • 2x Beach Court 167/198
  • 4x Electric Generator 170/198
  • 3x Nest Ball 181/198
  • 4x Proffessors Research 190/198
  • 2x Switch 194/198
  • 4x Ultra Ball 196/198
  • 15x Basic Energies


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