Mew VMAX League Battle Deck - PTCGO/PTCGLコード
Mew VMAX League Battle Deck - PTCGO/PTCGLコード

Mew VMAX League Battle Deck - PTCGO/PTCGLコード

価格: $12.99
Part Number: mew-vmax-lbd
Availability: 0 codes Out of stock
Feature: 0398
Feature: DBV-GN2M-JL4-ZVD
In PTCG Live, players are limited to redeeming up to 4 codes. Any additional codes beyond this limit will provide TRAINERS POINTS.

Our suggestion is to select codes in a standard format. However, if you decide on a deck from the expanded format, you may only be given 1 card as opposed to a complete set of 60 cards.

Mew VMAX League Battle Deck

Pokemon live code of the Mew VMAX League Battle Deck includes the following 60 Pokemon TCG Live code cards:

ポケモンカード12 枚
  • 1x Oricorio FST 42
  • 2x Genesect V FST 185
  • 2x Deoxys FST 120
  • 3x Meloetta FST 124
  • 2x Mew V FST 113
  • 2x Mew VMAX FST 114
トレーナ―カード37 枚
  • 4x Ultra Ball BRS 150
  • 4x Battle VIP Pass FST 225
  • 4x Cram-o-matic FST 229
  • 4x Fog Crystal CRE 140
  • 4x Power Tablet FST 236
  • 2x Escape Rope BST 125
  • 2x ポケモンいれかえSSH 183
  • 3x Choice Belt BRS 135
  • 4x Elesa's Sparkle FST 233
  • 4x Boss's Orders BRS 132
  • 2x Old Cemetery CRE 147
  • 4x Fusion Strike Energy FST 244
  • 3x Double Turbo Energy BRS 151
  • 4x Psychic Energy SWSHEnergy 14


0 Out of stock
10  - 在庫あり
2  - 在庫あり
18  - 在庫あり
