Hi there Trainers! With the Team Challenge around the corner and Player’s Cup 3 also around the bend, I figured it would be best to encapsulate all the best decks from this era and talk a little bit about why I think they’re currently at the spot that they’re at. There’s so much competition online, and only so much time to test, so let’s do a Top 10 article where I go over what decks I think are the absolute strongest!

10. Orbeetle

Orbeetle kicks off our list at #10 because of how bulky it is, and how it doesn’t need to run any liability Pokemon like Dedenne-GX or Crobat V. It can hit big numbers with its attack, however, it falls short of being a top tier deck because the opponent can easily play around how many energy cards are on their active Pokemon. I suspect Orbeetle will get better when more Energy manipulation cards come out, or perhaps if a Tier 1 Grass-weak Pokemon becomes viable.

Pokémon - 11 
2 Snorlax VIV 131
4 Orbeetle V VIV 20
1 Rowlet DAA 11
4 Orbeetle VMAX VIV 21

Trainer Cards - 38 
4 Switch HS 102 
2 Cynthia & Caitlin CEC 189 
4 Crushing Hammer EPO 92
2 Evolution Incense SSH 163 
2 Mallow & Lana CEC 198
2 Boss's Orders RCL 154
4 Bird Keeper DAA 159
3 Lillie's Poké Doll CEC 197
2 Reset Stamp UNM 206
4 Marnie CPA 56
4 Quick Ball SSH 216 
2 U-Turn Board UNM 211
1 Tool Scrapper DRX 116 
2 Turffield Stadium RCL 170

Energy - 11 
4 Capture Energy RCL 171
4 Aromatic {G} Energy VIV 162
2 Weakness Guard Energy UNM 213
1 Grass Energy Energy 1

Total Cards – 60

9. Rillaboom

Rillaboom is a deck that has shown resilience and often graces many power rankings on the lower half. I like this deck because of how simple it is to setup a Stage 2 Pokemon; there are many different types of attackers in this deck, which means it can really take on any opponent! Tropical Hour GX puts a stick in the mud for a lot of different top tier decks, and can single-handedly win games. I suspect this deck would place even higher if Centiskorch wasn’t such a big deal. Fire weakness is very difficult to deal with right now (without the right tools), so when Fire popularity decreases, I could see Rillaboom going higher on the list.

Pokémon - 15 
2 Dubwool V RCL 153
2 Crobat V DAA 104
1 Eldegoss V CPA 5
3 Grookey SSH 11
2 Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor-GX UNM 215
1 Shaymin TEU 10
2 Thwackey SSH 12
2 Rillaboom DAA 197

Trainer Cards - 33 
2 Power Plant CEC 269
1 Cynthia & Caitlin CEC 228 
2 Big Charm RCL 206
2 Mallow & Lana CEC 231
2 Switch SUM 160
4 Marnie SSH 200 
2 Bird Keeper DAA 159
4 Tag Call CEC 270
3 Boss's Orders RCL 189
4 Quick Ball SSH 216 
2 Reset Stamp UNM 253
1 Air Balloon SSH 213 
2 Ordinary Rod SSH 215 
2 Guzma & Hala CEC 229

Energy - 12 
2 Capture Energy DAA 201
10 Grass Energy SMEnergy 1

Total Cards – 60

8. Mad Party

There’s no party like a Mad Party! Probably one of the most aggressive decks in Standard, this deck can dish damage out on the first turn without blinking an eye! It can remove benched liabilities with Giovanni’s Exile, and continue to hit for one energy attachment on each of its attackers. This deck is very strong in a nutshell, and has a very easy matchup against Pikarom, but can struggle against decks that have single Prize Card attackers such as TempoZard. Likewise, it can be a tad inconsistent at times, however, don’t let that fool you; this deck has Moxy!

Pokémon - 24 
4 Bunnelby DAA 150
1 Oranguru VIV 199
1 Crobat V DAA 104
2 Dedenne-GX UNB 195
4 Dedenne DAA 78
3 Sinistea SSH 89
1 Sinistea DAA 82
4 Polteageist DAA 83
4 Galarian Mr. Rime DAA 36

Trainer Cards - 28 
2 Great Catcher CEC 264
4 Evolution Incense SSH 163 
2 Giovanni's Exile HIF 67
2 Boss's Orders RCL 189
1 Pal Pad FLF 92
4 Great Ball CPA 52
1 Tool Scrapper RCL 208
4 Quick Ball SSH 216 
1 Electromagnetic Radar UNB 230
2 Air Balloon SSH 213 
1 Ordinary Rod SSH 215 

Energy – 8
4 Twin Energy RCL 209
4 Triple Acceleration Energy UNB 234

Total Cards – 60

7. Coalossal VMAX

Ol’ king coal over here is coming in at #7 due to the ability to manipulate weakness in the current metagame. This deck has an extremely hard time against LucMetal, TempoZard, and Centiskorch, but generally a good matchup against everything else on this list. If somebody finds a way to take out those three decks, you’ll be in good shape.

Pokémon - 15 
2 Oranguru SSH 148
1 Crobat V DAA 104
4 Coalossal V VIV 98
4 Coalossal VMAX VIV 99
1 Eldegoss V RCL 19
1 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
1 Mimikyu CEC 97
1 Phione CEC 57

Trainer Cards - 33 
4 Switch HS 102
1 Buff Padding TEU 136
4 Crushing Hammer EPO 92
3 Rotom Phone CPA 64
2 Mallow & Lana CEC 198
2 Air Balloon SSH 156
4 Professor's Research SSH 178
4 Marnie SSH 169 
4 Quick Ball SSH 216 
3 Pokémon Communication HS 98
2 Boss's Orders RCL 154

Energy - 12 
6 Fighting Energy HS 120
2 Capture Energy DAA 201
4 Stone {F} Energy VIV 164

Total Cards – 60

6. Tempozard

This is a scary deck to play against because it can swing on the first turn! Provided you can draw into Welder, this deck honestly beats everything. Be warned: this is the most aggro-deck in Standard, and you always have to expect that they will take a KO against you going second.

Pokémon - 17 
2 Cramorant V SSH 198
1 Crobat V DAA 104
1 Galarian Zigzagoon SSH 117
2 Blacephalon UNB 32
2 Reshiram & Charizard-GX UNB 20
2 Dedenne-GX UNB 195
4 Jirachi TEU 99
1 Marshadow UNB 81
1 Mewtwo PR-SM 214
1 Oricorio-GX CEC 95

Trainer Cards - 30 
4 Giant Hearth CEC 263
4 Welder UNB 214
4 Switch SUM 160
4 Fire Crystal UNB 231
2 Pokégear 3.0 UNB 233
1 Boss's Orders RCL 189
4 Scoop Up Net RCL 207 
3 Cherish Ball UNM 250
4 Quick Ball SSH 216 

Energy - 13 
13 Fire Energy HS 116

Total Cards – 60

5. LucMetal

A very defensive option in Standard, LucMetal can prey on ADP players or on Coalossal players with ease. This deck has a very high skill ceiling, and can also be built in numerous amounts of ways. I’ve seen a trend of this deck is on the up-rise due to how VMAX decks are being structured. Eternatus also has a tough matchup against this, even when they are playing the Poison variant.

Pokémon - 8 
4 Zacian V SSH 138
2 Lucario & Melmetal-GX UNB 120
2 Zamazenta V SSH 139

Trainer Cards - 39 
4 Boss's Orders SHF 58
4 Marnie CPA 56 
2 Mallow & Lana CEC 198
1 Cynthia & Caitlin CEC 189 
1 Guzma & Hala CEC 193
4 Metal Saucer SSH 170
4 Switch SSH 183
3 Quick Ball SSH 179 
2 Reset Stamp UNM 206
2 Lillie's Poké Doll CEC 197
2 Tag Call CEC 206
4 Metal Goggles TEU 148
2 Power Plant UNB 183

Energy - 13 
9 Metal Energy 8
4 Coating Metal Energy VIV 163

Total Cards - 60

4. ADP/Zacian

The old king of Standard format. Rusted Sword added some new tricks to ADP, but alas ADP is still restricted to taking action most of the time by Turn 3. In Standard, that gives the opponent a lot of time to KO ADP, which means you can be in trouble. Being able to take OHKOs on all the Tag Teams though is nice – Rusted Sword feels great mid game!

Pokémon - 12 
4 Zacian V SSH 138
2 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
2 Crobat V DAA 104
2 Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX CEC 156
1 Mawile-GX UNM 141
1 Eldegoss V CPA 5

Trainer Cards - 37 
4 Boss's Orders RCL 154
3 Marnie SSH 169
4 Switch KSS 38
4 Quick Ball SSH 179 
4 Metal Saucer SSH 170
3 Energy Switch FFI 89
2 Rusted Sword SHF 62
2 Energy Spinner UNB 170
2 Cherish Ball UNM 191
2 Air Balloon SSH 156
1 Great Catcher CEC 192
2 Chaotic Swell CEC 187

Energy - 11 
8 Metal Energy 8
3 Water Energy 3 

Total Cards - 60

3. Centiskorch

This deck could easily be at the top of the list, and is neck and neck with the other top two decks on this tier list! Centiskorch feels very reliant on starting second and getting off a Volcanion Flare Starter, but even without that, it can win games. This VMAX just disregards opposing HP limits and goes straight for OHKOs.

Pokémon - 20 
1 Cramorant V SSH 155
2 Crobat V DAA 104
1 Galarian Zigzagoon SHF 151
3 Centiskorch V DAA 33
1 Reshiram & Charizard-GX UNB 20
2 Volcanion UNB 25
3 Centiskorch VMAX SHF 182
1 Eldegoss V CPA 5
2 Dedenne-GX UNB 195
3 Jirachi TEU 99
1 Phione CEC 57

Trainer Cards - 29 
2 Fire Crystal UNB 173
1 Great Catcher CEC 192
3 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
4 Quick Ball SSH 179 
1 Reset Stamp UNM 253
4 Scoop Up Net RCL 165 
4 Switch SSH 183
3 Giant Hearth UNM 197
1 Bird Keeper DAA 159
2 Boss's Orders SHF 58
4 Welder UNB 189

Energy - 11 
11 Fire Energy SWSH Energy 2

Total Cards – 60

2. Pikarom

You can never count Pikarom out in a game because paralysis and a Reset Stamp can almost always spell doom for you. Pikarom can suffer against our current top deck, due to missing Crushing Hammer heads or just drawing awkwardly. This is probably the most consistent deck on this list and executes its gameplan most of the time. It has gameplans against almost every deck and can make crazy comebacks. Resilient, hard-hitting, and consistent: everything we want out of a top tier deck.

Pokémon - 13 
3 Boltund V RCL 67
2 Pikachu & Zekrom-GX TEU 33
2 Mewtwo & Mew-GX UNM 71
2 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
1 Tapu Koko TEU 51
1 Raichu & Alolan Raichu-GX UNM 54
1 Eldegoss V CPA 5
1 Crobat V DAA 182

Trainer Cards - 34 
4 Marnie SSH 169 
3 Boss's Orders RCL 154
2 Team Yell Grunt SSH 184
4 Switch CES 147
4 Quick Ball SSH 179 
4 Crushing Hammer EPO 92
2 Reset Stamp UNM 206
2 Electromagnetic Radar UNB 169
2 Air Balloon SSH 156 
1 Cherish Ball UNM 191
1 Big Charm SSH 158
2 Chaotic Swell CEC 187

Energy - 13 
10 Lightning Energy 4
3 Speed Lightning Energy RCL 173

1. Eternatus

The current king of the metagame, it’s been able to dethrone Pikarom by placing so high at online tournaments recently. Attach energy, VMAX, play Pokemon on the bench, attack: quite easy, but so powerful right now. This is the best VMAX deck currently out, however as a deck it is very straightforward. This won’t stay at the top when Urshifu VMAX is released.

Pokémon - 19 
4 Crobat V DAA 104
4 Eternatus V DAA 116
4 Galarian Zigzagoon SSH 117
3 Yveltal TEU 95
4 Eternatus VMAX DAA 117

Trainer Cards - 30 
3 Switch HS 102 
4 Crushing Hammer EPO 92
4 Boss's Orders RCL 154
3 Great Ball EPO 93
2 Dark City UNM 193
3 Marnie SSH 169 
4 Quick Ball SSH 216 
3 Pokémon Communication HS 98

Energy - 11 
2 Capture Energy RCL 171
2 Hiding {D} Energy DAA 175
7 Darkness Energy Energy 7 

Total Cards – 60


There’s not much else left to say – keep up your collections with new PTCGO codes online and consider getting some from the newest Battle Styles expansion when it drops. Enjoy these lists!
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